How to Ride a Motorcycle in the Rain or Wet Roads

This article reveals how to ride a motorcycle in the rain or on wet roads without crashing. Meanwhile, understand that a coverage touring windshield helps a lot when riding in the rain.

how to ride a motorcycle in the rain

Your helmet, including the motorcycle passenger helmet, is not completely waterproof; however, keeping the visor shut can steam it up. You don’t have to open the visor in the rain, but you can use an anti-fog lens. The neck gaiter of the helmet will also keep the rain out to improve visibility.

Is it OK to ride a motorcycle in the rain?

Yes, it is OK to ride a motorcycle in the rain, but you must be thrice as careful since there’s barely traction. You’d also get cold when riding in the rain. But your hands must stay warm and dry to enhance gripping and enhance motorcycle handling.

Below is how to ride a motorcycle in the rain:

  1. Prepare Yourself

First, prepare and protect yourself from the rain if you’re not already on the road. You can always park the motorcycle in a shelter to get yourself ready. Riding in the rain makes you cold, and you might be uncomfortable if you have a health condition.

Riding under the rain and feeling cold is almost similar to being tipsy and riding in terms of how you’d perform or handle the bike.

You would need good quality waterproof, and make sure the glove cuff stays in your sleeve to keep water from entering. You may include water boots, but it is essential when riding in the rain.

It is also advisable to use highly visible and bright-colored riding gear.

  1. Prepare Your Helmet

Heavy rain and dirt might blur the visor; you’d want to keep it clear. In this regard, it is advisable to buy gloves with a wiper blade. Visor misting or fogging can be a problem when riding; use pin lock visor inserts. Alternatively, you may smear a thin layer of detergent inside the visor.

If your helmet ventilation system is not good, you can open the visor slightly for ventilation.

  1. Maintain a Distance

You’re not the only road user, so expect and predict what other road users will do. Typically, 3 seconds is the recommended distance from other vehicles, but you may keep a 6 seconds distance from the motor vehicle ahead.

Do not forget to use normal low light or hazard light when riding in the rain.

  1. Match the Brake and Accelerate Gently

Do not match the brake harshly, and avoid braking often unless the front wheel is straight.

Your acceleration must be gentle, too, to avoid spinning the back wheel.

When bending at corners, reduce the speed and do not lean excessively. Make sure to stay off-road markings. Note that the joints between areas of tarmac (overbanding) are often slippery in the rain, same with manhole covers.

  1. Watch Out for Slippery Substances

Most modern motorcycle tires perform excellently on wet roads. However, diesel or oil spills cause slippery floors, and poor traction sets in. Do not ride over any metal surface or road paint to avoid slipping.

  1. Find a Dry Lane

When you sight a dry lane, do not hesitate to switch to gain more traction. Ensure to supervise the environment before making a switch.

How do you see when riding a motorcycle in the rain?

Unless you have no helmet on, or your helmet has no visor, you should see comfortably. However, you would need antifog to clear the steam from the visor for enhanced visibility. If your anti-fog malfunctions, open your visor slightly for steam to escape while riding under the rain.

How do you ride a motorcycle in heavy rain

If you have droplets on your visor from the outside, you would need gloves with a wiper blade to clean the visor. Alternatively, you can always turn your head slightly while riding for the raindrop and wind to blow off the dirt. Makes sure to reduce your speed before looking sideways. You could also get proprietary sprays that keep the visor clear.

If you ride in the rain without a helmet, ride below 30mph. However, it is advisable not to ride without a helmet when it is raining.

How fast can you ride a motorcycle in the rain?

How fast you go on a motorcycle in the rain depends on many factors, including rain level, wind level, body temperature, and whether you are going downhill. You can ride at 20mph or slower in the rain to remain upright. You must also reduce your speed significantly at corners in torrential rain. Riding at over 40mph or up to 50mph, especially when going downhill in the rain, is dangerous.

Final Thoughts

If you are scared of riding in the rain or the rain is heavy, stop under an overhang till the rain stops.

And if your schedule is not serious, hang around because riding in the rain, especially as a beginner, is not fun. Your visor will steam up, the rain will lash at you, and you’d feel cold, making handling poorer and exposing you to danger.

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