how to get black license plate in Delaware

Step by Step Guide to Get Black License Plate in Delaware

Search no further, this publication covers how to get black license plate in Delaware. This article simplifies the process to keep you from making mistakes during your application.

To get Delaware black license plate, contact your local State of Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Telephone or email requests are not accepted.

What do black Delaware license plates mean?

how to get black license plate in Delaware

The black Delaware license plates are a sign of prestige reserved for low-digit tag numbers. People also bid thousands of dollars on the black plates depending on how low the number is.

DHP (Delaware Historic Plate) Tags is an authorized manufacturer of Delaware black and white porcelain and stainless steel license plates and has been a name since 1991. This company reproduces the porcelain and stainless steel tags that were available 50 years ago.

DHP Tags can reproduce the historic black and white license plate using your license plate number. In this case, your current registration number can be used instead of selecting a new number if it meets the requirement.

Meanwhile, the numbers on stainless steel tags are more eligible, including PC plates. If your registration number is, 2134, for example, you are eligible for both porcelain and stainless steel license plates, so you pick the plate (porcelain or stainless steel) you prefer.

How to get black license plate in Delaware

The steps below lead you to get your lack license plates in Delaware:

Determine your eligibility

Your current registration number can be used to reproduce the black Delaware license plate if it meets the requirement below.

For black and white porcelain license plate

If you need porcelain, your license plate number must meet the following requirements:

  • Passenger: license plate numbers must not exceed 86999.
  • Commercial: license plate numbers must not exceed C9999.
  • Dealer: license plate numbers must not exceed D9999.
  • Motorcycle: license plate numbers must not exceed M/C9999.

Note that DHP Tags does not reproduce CL, FT, PC, RV, RT, T, or vanity license plates in porcelain because they were not originally issued in porcelain.

Also, porcelain license plates (except for motorcycle plates) use a diamond separator between the third and fourth number (from the right of the plate) when plate numbers are more than 3 (three).

For example:

4242, 51341, C2145, C311, (the “•“ represents the diamond separator).

For black and white stainless steel license plate

If you need black and white stainless steel, your license plate number must meet the following requirements:

  • Passenger: license plate numbers must not exceed 200000.
  • Dealer: license plate numbers must not exceed D9999.
  • Commercial: license plate numbers must not exceed C50000.
  • Motorcycle: license plate numbers must not exceed M/C9999.
  • PC (Pleasure/Commercial): license Plate Numbers must not exceed PC9999.
  • Farm truck: license plate numbers must not exceed FT9999.
  • Trailer: license plate numbers must not exceed T9999.

Note that DHP Tags cannot reproduce CL, RV, RT, MC, or vanity license plates in stainless steel because they were not originally issued in stainless steel.

You cannot also order dealer license plates online, except at your local DMV facility.

The motorcycle license plate is 4”x7”, smaller than previous versions to be easier for you to mount on your motorcycle.

You cannot personally select your number, and DE DMV may not have numbers available if your current license plates numbers do not meet the requirement above.

Prepare your paperwork

DHP Tags will require a photocopy of your valid registration card of the license plate number being ordered. This allows them and the DMV to know that the tag number belongs to you.

At the DMV, you may be required to also submit your insurance information, title, and a valid photo ID (driver’s license, national ID, etc.).

Contact DE DMV

You can call or send an email request to Delaware DMV for the black license plates. Thus, you can visit the participating DMV office locations.

DHP Tags’ black license plates are on display and available for purchase at your local DMV. You can also ask the DMV employee if you are eligible to display the black DE tag on your vehicle.

Pay the license plate fee

If you are converting your regular plate to the black plate, you must pay applicable transfer fees.

Purchasing a reproduced black DE historic license plate from DHP costs about $115.00 for either porcelain or stainless steel. You will also pay $5.00 for the sticker.

Meanwhile, Delaware investors have a cult fascination with low digit black license plates, which translates into lots of dollars, reports Steve Hartman ( in the video below:

Read also: do you return license plate in Virginia?

What does C, D, M, PC, FT and T stand for on black DE license plate?

  • C – Commercial (originally used for pickup trucks and utility vans).
  • D – Dealer (plates kept by automobile dealers and removed after a vehicle is sold to a private owner).
  • M – Motorcycle.
  • PC – Pleasure/Commercial
  • FT – Farm Truck
  • T – Trailer

Always include the prefix letter (C, D, M, PC, etc.) when your black Delaware license registration number is required.

Suppose you park your vehicle in a lot that uses a central computer terminal where you have to enter your Delaware black license plate number to prepay for your time. If you do not include the C, D, M, PC, FT or T on your black license plate, you will get a ticket after the meter maid scans your plate because they will not find a match on their database.

You will end up appealing the ticket even though you paid for parking because the digits you entered may have a plate that matches yours without C, D, M, PC, FT or T. Nonetheless, the judge may agree that it was an honest mistake, so the ticket may be canceled.

Can you change your regular license plates to black DE license plate?

You can change your regular license plates to the black DE license plate. However, you have to surrender your current license plate number registered on your vehicle.

You will submit the vehicle title, vehicle mileage, insurance information, and an acceptable photo ID (driver’s license, national ID, etc.). Finally, pay the applicable transfer fees to change to a black DE license plate.

If there is a lien on the vehicle, and you have to contact the lienholder, contact your local DMV office to put a hold on the plate. Obtain Request of Title from Lienholder to DMV (form MV35) and send it to the lien holder to obtain the title.

The lien holder will mail the title to DMV who will notify you when they receive it. The 5-digit black plate can be put on your vehicle by this time.

Final thoughts

DE DMV mandatorily requires you to wear shirts and shoes to conduct business at any DMV office. According to the DMV, “Services will not be rendered if customers are not wearing shirts or shoes.” Consider having your face mask on.Read also: In CA? Get black license plates with these steps

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