How to Get Around Airbnb Restrictions [Party, Age, Nights, etc.]

You have tried to book a guest house for next weekend to go hiking with friends but got restricted for whatever reason. We’ve all been there, and it’s a plan spoiler when this happens. But don’t worry; we got all these sorted out in this publication. Our discussion will be on the working methods you can use to get around Airbnb restrictions, including party, age, and nights.

While trying to book the rental, Airbnb would not let you and probably provided you with a message like:

We have implemented restrictions that prevent guests from making reservations of entire homes when a pattern of factors suggests that the booking may present higher safety risks such as parties. You still have options. These restrictions don’t apply to hotels or private rooms.

You have no idea why your account would be flagged for partying, but we do. Airbnb restricts bookings for reasons including age, season (such as Halloween), and distance. You’ll understand as you read on.

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions

How to get around Airbnb restrictions

Below are the Airbnb restrictions and how to get around them:

1. Under 25 restriction

If you’re a guest under the age of 25, Airbnb does not allow you to rent an entire property near your own home until you’ve received at least three positive reviews and no negative reviews from Airbnb hosts.

Nonetheless, Airbnb users younger than 25 can book private rooms and hotel rooms. Airbnb thinks you may be trying to find ways to throw a party. As such, this measure is necessary for trust and safety protection. Airbnb also knows that people over the age of 24 are capable of booking for the wrong reasons.

What to do

1. Have an older person book

If any of your friends are over 25 and not residing in your location, have them book Airbnb in their account to get around Airbnb restrictions.

2. Location change

Change your location on your Airbnb profile (or just delete it). Now, use a VPN to hide your IP address—it works, even if you’re 20 and experiencing this issue.

To change location on Airbnb:

  1. Click your profile photo
  2. Click Account
  3. Go to Profile and tap Edit
  4. Add or change your Location
  5. Hit Save
  6. Change your date of birth

Unfortunately, you may not be able to change your date of birth. Usually, this does not work with browsers but with the Airbnb app only. If the edit button for birthdate is greyed out, you may just have to create a new account.

3. Wait out the season

If you’re booking for one night only and it is on Halloween weekend, Airbnb may restrict you. To get around the restrictions, book on a different night.

2. Under 18 restriction

Airbnb does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to open a guest or host account.

What to do

1. Have an adult book for you

You don’t have a lot of choices, so have someone who is over 25 and not residing in the booking location book for you.

2. Change your date of birth

Just go to settings and change your year of birth to make you older than 18. Unfortunately, if your edit button is greyed out, you may need to open a new account. If the browser does not work, use the Airbnb app to try to change your birth year.

3. Booking entire place restriction

Airbnb has 4 types of places to stay, including entire place, private rooms, hotel rooms, and shared rooms. Usually, you may receive an Airbnb restriction message like:

Choose another place to stay. Airbnb prevents reservations for entirely homes when a pattern of factors (like location or reservation time) suggests the booking may be unsafe. Please try a private room or hotel room instead.

You’re receiving this message because you’re under 25 years old and trying to book property listed as an “entire place”. Airbnb also thinks you want to party.

What to do

1. Book a private room

Suppose you want to throw a party and get around Airbnb party restrictions. Airbnb thinks you want to book to throw a party since you’re under 25 years old. The first solution is to book a private room or a hotel room.

2. Ask the host to temporarily change the place type

If you find a host that agrees to book you, there’s a workaround. However, you and the host have to be online at the same time. The host will simply change their listing from “entire place” to “private room” for you to complete your booking as a private room.

If you’re younger than 25, most hosts will not be willing to accept your booking though. Note that this is not a shady thing to do—it’s legal, and we had Airbnb suggest it.

3. Change your date of birth

Another way to get around this Airbnb restriction is to change your year of birth. If the browser for Airbnb does not work, use the Airbnb app. Just go to settings and profile to edit the year of birth.

4. Wait out the season

Are you booking for one night only? Also, if it is on Halloween weekend, Airbnb may keep restricting you.

4. One or two-night reservation restrictions

One-night reservations

If you’re an Airbnb guest without a history of positive reviews, Airbnb will prohibit you from making one-night reservations for entire home listings.

  • Solution: Choose a private room to be able to book on Airbnb. If you want to get around the booking restriction, contact the host to temporarily change their booking to a “private room” for you to book them.

Two-night reservations

Airbnb typically deploys more stringent restrictions on specific 2-night reservations. For instance, Airbnb will restrict certain local or last-minute bookings if you have no history of positive reviews on Airbnb.

  • Solution: Just build a history of positive Airbnb reviews to get around this restriction. Alternatively, you can have a friend complete the booking for you. If you need a friend to do the booking on your behalf, make sure to discuss it with the host. You also want to be a good guest so that the host does not give your friend a bad review.

5. City Airbnb restrictions

Regarding how to get around city Airbnb restrictions, go to a landlord or seller and rent or buy the property in the business name to circumvent property laws in your city. Note that you’d have to notify your relevant local authorities of your presence in the flat. If you add any attachments, like a mother inlaw suite, make sure they conform to your city’s building laws. Also, let’s say the apartment was registered as a single-family home; any changes you make could make it a multifamily home, so you want your state to be aware. Also, endeavor to get the relevant operation license in your local community.


So, that’s just how to get around Airbnb restrictions. We have discussed up to five different restrictions. If you find yourself in any of them, you now know what to do to get out of it. None of these methods really require you to lie. But if you feel you need to come clean at some point, it is always okay to do so.

Read also: Tricks I use to know host’s review before they appear

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