How to Get Black License Plate Texas

Good news! Texas residents can buy personalized black license plates. So, this article discloses how to get black license plate in Texas.

how to get black license plate Texas

Texas allows nearly an endless number of license plate options you can customize as black.  Moreover, black TX license plates can be used in any motor vehicle, including motorcycles.

Personalized Black Texas License Plates

Some customized TX license plates serve significant functions. For example, if you have a permanent disability, you can apply for a black disability TX plate.

Note that vanity black Texas license plates require documentation before they can be issued to you. Texas, typically the local county tax-assessor collector’s office, may require some paperwork to confirm your claims.

You may select from any of the following TX vanity plates:

  • Lone Star Colors
  • Texas Themes
  • Colleges | Universities
  • Fraternities | Sororities
  • High Schools
  • Sports | Outdoors
  • Charities | Organizations
  • Businesses
  • State-Sponsored Charities | Organizations
  • State-Sponsored Colleges | Universities
  • State-Sponsored Sports | Outdoors
  • Antique, Classic & Custom Vehicle | Street Rod
  • Military & Veterans
  • Occupational
  • Other Vehicle Types

Each of these specialty Texas license plates is significant. Your annual renewal fee may also be used as revenue generation on these specialties, for example, charities.

The license plate type also determines the cost. Moreover, a black TX license plate may support up to 5 or 7 characters depending on the theme and specialty you choose.

How to Get Black Licence Plate Texas

To obtain a black vanity Texas license plate is easy; I have covered every step in this section.

Below are the steps to get a black license plate in Texas:

  1. Visit

Specialty black Texas license plates is the official website to apply for black personalized Texas license plates. Yes, it serves as Texas’ online license plate payment portal.

  1. Type Your Plate Message

Texas state has a black license plate

In this guide, I use FAM55 as my Texas black license plate. Meanwhile, no two cars can have similar license plate characters. If your plate message returns an “unavailable” response, it is already in use or rejected.

Your black TX license plate can be a combination of alphanumeric characters, spaces, and symbols. Symbols include Texas Silhouette, Star, Heart, Hyphen, etc.

A vanity black TX license plate, including university and military plates, may display a logo, taking up space on the plate. Logos are not editable.

  1. Customize Your Black TX License Plate

How to obtain black plates in Texas

Lone Star Black is the default black Texas license plate on my system. You can change it.

Next, select Personalized or Background Only. Personalized TX black license plates cost more than background-only license plates in Texas.

In this guide, I select Personalize.

  1. Choose Your Motor Vehicle

Custom black license plates in Texas

In this guide, my motor vehicle is a Motorcycle.

Next, add a symbol. I do not use a symbol, but you may select one. When you select a symbol, it reduces the number of alphanumeric characters and symbols you can use.

  1. Confirm Your Theme

How much does it cost to get black plates in TX

If you do not like the default theme, you can select a different black theme for your TX license plate. So, I select the Lone Star 1836.

  1. Choose Specialty

Can i get Texas black license plates

If you prefer a specialty black TX license plate, scroll down and select a black special license plate.

I have changed mine to the black Texas State Rifle Association under Charities | Organizations.

  1. Order Your License Plate

What is the black Texas license plate

Click Order Now. Select a price option on the new page. Note that you are discounted the high the number of years you select. You can choose between 1, 3 and 5 years. My license plate pattern costs $90 per year.

You may tick “Put this Plate on Layaway”. How does layaway work? Layaway plan allows you to make payments for your desired multi-year personalized black TX license plate message over a longer time. Interestingly, the layaway plan features no additional charges (it’s free) for Texans that complete the plan.

When you add your black license plate to your cart, you can use a promo code to reduce the fee.

  1. Provide Personal Info

The required information includes your name, address, city, ZIP, phone number, and email address.

Before you complete the order, note that the fee for your black Texas specialty plate is non-refundable.

  1. Collect Your Black TX Plate

You will wait for about 3 weeks to get your custom black TX plates.

To confirm the arrival of your license plates, contact your local county tax assessor-collector’s office.

If you applied for a motorcycle or trailer, you will receive one black Texas license plate; vehicles get two plates.

Do you have to pay a fee each year for your personalized black license plates in Texas?

Yes. You must make annual payments to renew your Texas personalized black TX license plate.

Why Texas May Reject Your Personalized Black Licence Plate

TX DMV reviews the personalized license plate you request before manufacturing it. Avoid a controversial license plate message because the DMV will not consider what it means to you since the public sees it differently.

Below are the reasons your personalized black Texas license plate may be declined:

  • The plate message references curse words, race, ethnicity, illegal activities, illegal drug, etc.
  • Your license plate pattern is not supported in Texas.
  • The license plate pattern references or represents military branches, law enforcement, or any governmental entity.
  • The black license plate contains a message or pattern exclusive to military or other restricted use such as Disabled Veterans.

Can you keep your black Texas license plate?

Yes, you can keep your license plate because Texas does not mandate residents to surrender their license plates. However, you may continue paying the annual fee to retain your personalized black Texas license plate. The plate will not be taken from you but you may lose it to the state.

Final Thoughts

When your black TX license plates are ready, they are made available at your local County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office.

When selling your motor vehicle, such as a motorcycle, on CL, for instance, remove your license plates. The seller can apply for a temporary permit to ride/drive home their motorcycle or vehicle.

Finally, when you purchase personalized license plates in Texas, some percentage goes into TX general revenue fund. Of course, the funding provides several services for Texas residents.

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