How to Contact a Philanthropist for Help

People often contact a philanthropist for help at some point, and most of these rich folks find great joy in helping out. They firmly believe that the more they can contribute, the greater the positive energy in the world. In the US and throughout Canada are a substantial number of people who are enthusiastic about donating or raising funds for worthy causes. If you are seeking assistance in the form of time, donations, or financial support, this article covers the strategies to connect with philanthropically-minded individuals who may be interested in aiding your cause.

How to Contact a Philanthropist for Help

There are many ways to seek assistance from philanthropists. Consider these methods to get the help you deserve:

1. Participate in gatherings

Attend various events and galas for an excellent opportunity to connect with philanthropists, as you can engage with multiple like-minded individuals in a single location. You can discover a diverse range of gatherings where you can meet potential philanthropic partners by exploring event listing websites such as Eventful, Eventbrite, or even the local page dedicated to upcoming events and celebrations in your city.

These events encompass a wide spectrum, from dedicated philanthropy celebrations like the upcoming National Philanthropy Day festivities on November 15th to charitable events and fundraisers.

2. Recognize donors with plaques and awards

Consider observing the practices of various organizations or individuals who contribute to causes aligned with yours. It is common to notice that most of them receive recognition in the form of plaques or labels. This serves as a simple yet effective method to identify individuals who share similar motivations and intentions to yours. It eliminates the need for extensive research and provides a convenient way to discover philanthropists with shared interests.

3. Leverage free online platforms

The internet is an excellent resource for connecting with fellow philanthropists. So, search for national philanthropy organizations or groups that align with your interests. This way, you can discover a wide array of online profiles, websites, and social media accounts to help you contact a philanthropist for help. Platforms such as,, and even local newspaper websites like the Star Phoenix or Leader-Post provide extensive lists of philanthropic foundations and groups, readily accessible without any inconvenience or challenges.

4. Engage in community groups

Connect with people who share your passion for making a difference and supporting various causes by joining online groups or collectives. Become a member of communities such as The 100 Women Who Care Alliance, Philanthropy Foundations Canada, AFP (Foundation for Philanthropy), and many others to gain direct access to a multitude of philanthropists for help. You can even engage with social media groups like Major Gifts for Non-Profits can assist you in finding the perfect alignment for your cause.

Even though there are always people in need, there are also those with the means and generosity to lend a helping hand.

World’s most generous philanthropists

While renowned for their immense wealth, the world’s wealthiest individuals are also dedicated to leaving a lasting legacy of generosity. In their pursuit, they are actively giving back to society. Below, we highlight the world’s most generous philanthropists, noting their significant donations in dollars (predominantly from American philanthropists) and the foundations they support. Feel free to explore these foundations and consider reaching out if you are interested in getting involved.

1. Chuck Feeney

Driven by an unwavering dedication to creating positive change, Feeney’s philanthropic journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Inspired by his commitment, he made the remarkable decision to donate his entire current net worth, amounting to a staggering $7.5 billion, earned from Duty Free shops, to various deserving causes through The Atlantic Philanthropies foundation.

Even at the age of 81, Feeney’s selflessness knows no bounds, as he has given away his own house and opted to reside in rented accommodations. His remarkable story serves as a shining example of a life dedicated to philanthropy and a testament to the transformative power of selflessness.

2. Karen and Jon Huntsman

Despite enduring personal battles with prostate and mouth cancer, Jon Huntsman Sr. and his wife, renowned for their achievements in the chemical industry, have shown an unwavering dedication to philanthropy. Jon’s determination to make a lasting impact in the fight against cancer led to the establishment of the esteemed Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Together, the Huntsman couple has generously contributed an impressive $1.55 billion throughout their lifetime, surpassing a remarkable 160% of their current net worth, towards a range of charitable causes. Their commitment to giving back serves as a testament to their enduring legacy and their resolve to create positive change in the world.

3. W. Barron Hilton

Stepping into the Hilton Hotels legacy in 1950, Barron Hilton embraced his role within the company, carrying on the philanthropic tradition set by his father. Displaying unwavering dedication to charitable causes, Barron has generously allocated the majority of his personal wealth to the Hilton Foundation. Exemplifying his profound commitment to giving back, his lifetime philanthropic contributions amount to a remarkable $1.3 billion, surpassing an impressive 137% of his current net worth. Inspired by his father’s philanthropic legacy, Barron Hilton continues to forge ahead, striving to make a meaningful and positive impact through his charitable endeavors.

4. Gordon and Betty Moore

Having co-founded Intel in 1968, Gordon Moore redirected his attention to philanthropy, following his retirement from corporate positions in 2006. Leading the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation alongside his wife, Betty Moore, they have committed themselves to make a lasting difference across numerous causes. Their lifetime philanthropic contributions amount to an extraordinary $5.37 billion, which represents a remarkable 71% of their current net worth.

Their unwavering dedication to philanthropy serves as an inspiration, as they utilize their wealth and expertise to drive impactful change and encourage others to partake in their noble endeavors.

5. Eli and Edythe Broad

Eli Broad, a billionaire financier, and homebuilder, along with his wife Edythe, has left an indelible mark on society through their impactful philanthropic endeavors. Their visionary initiatives, executed through The Broad Foundation, have resulted in the creation of pioneering and autonomous institutions within three strategic areas of investment: public education, science, and the arts. With an unwavering dedication to driving positive change, the Broads have generously contributed an impressive $4.22 billion throughout their lifetime, representing 57% of their current net worth. Their trailblazing work stands as a beacon of inspiration, catalyzing community transformation and fostering advancements in vital fields for the betterment of humanity.

6. Irwin and Joan Jacobs

After co-founding mobile chipmaker Qualcomm in 1985, Irwin Jacobs directed his attention towards philanthropy following his retirement from the company’s board in 2012. Through the Jacobs Family Foundation, he has dedicated himself to distributing his wealth, with a lifetime giving of $706 million, equivalent to 50% of his current net worth. The foundation actively supports community initiatives and endeavors to empower individuals, contributing to positive societal transformation.

7. George Soros

Renowned as the individual who famously destabilized the Bank of England, Hungarian billionaire financier George Soros has also garnered immense recognition for his extraordinary philanthropic endeavors. Having initiated his philanthropic journey in 1979 in South Africa, Soros has since devoted the majority of his wealth to the Open Society Foundations. These foundations operate across more than 100 countries globally, implementing initiatives aimed at fostering open societies and promoting positive societal change. With a lifetime giving of $12.1 billion, which constitutes 49% of his current net worth, Soros exemplifies unparalleled generosity on a global scale.

8. Julian and Josie Robertson

Dubbed the “Wizard of Wall Street,” Julian Robertson amassed his immense wealth through hedge funds. Today, in collaboration with his wife and family, he has established the Robertson Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting non-profit groups and cultivating a culture of philanthropy. With a lifetime giving of $1.56 billion, which amounts to 43% of his current net worth, Robertson channels his financial success from the financial boom of the 1980s and 1990s into initiatives that drive positive social impact and encourage generosity among others.

9. Bill & Melinda Gates

Undoubtedly the most renowned philanthropists globally, the Gates couple has not only made significant contributions through their foundation but also inspired numerous other billionaires to follow suit. Warren Buffett, for instance, recognized his own uncertainty in effectively distributing his vast wealth and thus entrusted it to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. With a remarkable lifetime giving of $32.91 billion, accounting for 41% of their current net worth, the foundation actively allocates grants to a wide array of initiatives and programs worldwide. Its key areas of focus include agricultural development, emergency relief efforts, global libraries, urban poverty alleviation, global health initiatives, and educational advancements.

10. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, despite his status as one of the wealthiest individuals globally, has consistently eschewed the extravagant trappings of wealth, choosing to reside in the same modest house he purchased many years ago. Displaying a steadfast commitment to philanthropy, Buffett has pledged to gradually donate his entire fortune to various charitable foundations, with the majority of his wealth earmarked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. With a remarkable lifetime giving of $25.54 billion, equivalent to 39% of his current net worth, Buffett exemplifies a profound dedication to leveraging his wealth for the greater good, leaving an indelible philanthropic legacy.

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So, there we have it, the proper steps to contact a philanthropist for help as well as some of the renowned philanthropists you can look up to. Usually, you secure their assistance through their foundations, typically hosted online on their specific websites where you can complete your application.

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  1. Hello if you are involved in charity, I ask you to become a sponsor of my study abroad. My name is Lalakhanym, I’m 26, I’m from Azerbaijan, for 2 years I’ve been trying to find a fund in our country or people who would be interested in this, to no avail. My mother, a teacher, does not have enough income, plus she helps my sister’s family, and it is very difficult to prepare for exams and work to save money and the salaries are low. I already have one higher education (Food Technologist), but I really want to enter Germany for an IT specialization. There I need inexpensive education for exams, for a good computer, for training for the first 2 years, then I myself will earn money there, God forbid :))). My contacts ((+99*****99634)). In any case, thank you very much for your attention. Health and happiness!!

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