How to Get Someone Fired from Their Job Anonymously

If you have a toxic colleague or even a boss at work who keeps causing trouble for others, the solution could be for them to leave. However, they may not just leave unless you do something. It’s hard to admit, but this publication gives you tips on how to get someone fired from their job anonymously. This colleague you want out may have done something awful, but it’s not okay if you do this out of jealousy. In Episode 1, Season 2 of Suits, titled She Knows, Trevor tries to anonymously get his best friend, Mike Ross, fired because of his girlfriend, Jenny Griffith. Would you say Trevor’s act is justified? This is to say that some attitudes warrant having someone lose their job without anyone knowing it was you.

An annoying co-worker or a colleague who abandons their job is not a good reason to have them fired. Moreover, the employer cannot just fire them; they are protected by the law. But someone who crosses “your line” might be worth it to get them fired, even if you do not work for their employer.

How to Get Someone Fired from Their Job Anonymously

how to get someone fired from their job anonymously

If you are certain you want to do this, you will have to do some dirty stuff. Follow the steps below:

1. Think carefully about whether it is worth it

You want a legitimate reason to get a person fired from work. Just hating on them is not enough reason and the table may even turn against you. I must add: remember that the person may have a family relying on them, and the job is what keeps their heads above water. Sometimes, instead of having them kicked out, you could have them redeployed (if it is within your powers). Suppose this is a bad renting neighbor you have been longing to get rid of. Going after their job is not the proper move. The employer may not even consider your case after all.

You want to ensure the following before you proceed: a strong case against the person, including but not limited to:

  1. Interfering with someone else’s or your ability to work
  2. Stealing from the company
  3. Creating a counterproductive or hostile work environment
  4. Physically, verbally, or intimately harassing to you or others

Above are some work-related reasons. A personal reason has to be anything that hurts life out of you. Could be that they cost you your job and you are looking to revenge, they screwed you over, or something worse than snitching.

2. Make your argument a case

Suppose you work in the same company. You start by getting yourself some backup. A valid argument needs to be convincing, and the same-mindedness of other co-workers may go a long way. Find out if there are others who are tired of this bad person or feel as much as you do about this employee. Get yourself recorders, most importantly. This must be done diplomatically! Do not spread rumors or create an atmosphere where people start hating the employee.

Begin by asking questions like:

  • “What do you think of Ross’ attitude towards other colleagues?”
  • “It is interesting how Jessica speaks to her clients on the phone.”
  • “Daniel Hardman seems to be crossing the line with the company’s funds, do you notice the same?”

Conclude with “I hope he/she changes though”. You are basically making a confirmation instead of drawing attention– suppose they do not notice the bad attitude irritating you about this person.

If one or more co-workers agree with you, there is your ticket that you are not alone. However, do not declare going after the person. Just giggle and pass to ensure anonymity when the bubble finally bursts. Suppose you do not work in the company. You do not need contact with any co-worker of theirs to make a point.

3. Document this person’s dirt

You have to keep tabs on this person. Make notes of every confrontation they have with other co-workers. Gather substantial proof of their dirt in the company that you know the rules prohibit.

If you do not work for that company, gather as much dirt as you can about this person, or use the dirt you already have on them. If possible, go under the table to find everything about this person’s profile in the company. They could be lying about who they are, like Mike Ross lied about going to Harvard in Suits.

Get a paid insider you can trust to keep a log of the times, dates, and detailed descriptions of any altercation between this person and other co-workers. You may then leverage those co-workers and turn them deeply against this person.

Of course, never say who you are or what your name is. You do not also want to be found around the vicinity – many companies even have surveillance cameras the person in question can use to know who is after them. Let’s say the company is against hard drugs, and this person is a stoner. You have a point against them that could have them fired.

4. Schedule an unofficial appointment with the employer

If you believe you have a good argument that can get this person fired, schedule a meeting with the manager or supervisor. Whether this person is a co-worker or not, the meeting with their supervisor or manager needs to be outside work hours. Remember that the plan is to get someone fired from their job anonymously.

Your best judgment should help you determine the most appropriate person to meet. You can make your findings in the company if you are not an employee.

Arrive prepared and with your written notes, photographs, videos, and documented reports about the employee for a good argument. Do not be tempted to bring co-workers physically. Before you begin your complaint, request anonymity. Make it known to the supervisor that you are making the move for the good of the company or other people.

Depending on the evidence and how well the person in question knows you, you can forward the complaints via email to the company. Use a VPN to hide your IP address. However, emails are less formal and may not receive prioritized treatment. The employee may also manage to find the paper trail of your complaint, which points back to you.

5. Let the manager make the decision

Do not directly ask the manager or supervisor to fire the person. However, if they ask, “What do you think?” Feel free to suggest firing the person to protect the company or people. This is not your decision to make.

The manager is now in a position to deal with the situation. You can only keep tabs on this situation. Continue gathering more evidence while the company is investigating and making their decision. Focus on what you do, and try to stay away from the employee or co-worker.

Going Hard on Someone to Get Them Fired

You could be hard on the person you are trying to get fired anonymously. The trick is to “set them up”.

Create a bad impression about them. Suppose the employee or your coworker curses in front of customers. Arrange with people to contact and provoke the person while they are at work. When the employee curses, they should complain loudly to the manager instead. This puts you out of the picture.

You could anonymously order adult products for your coworker’s desk. The products should be wrapped in transparent or revealing packs for everyone to see. The more inappropriate the product, the better. You would have to do this several times for the person to get fired.

How about hopping on the person’s computer? If you succeed, send believable lewd emails to their manager. Or anything that can harm the company.

If the person did anything illegal, submit an anonymous tip to law enforcement. You could also use crime stoppers and continually update your anonymous with new information about the said employee. The situation will generally depend on your reasons for having this person fired.


If you consider these simple 5 steps, you will easily get someone fired from their job anonymously if they deserve it. If they have done nothing wrong, don’t try to take away their source of income. Usually, it’s best to report a colleague whom you think did something wrong. I believe your workplace has due process for this. If you are not trying to get an employee or a boss out the door for a significant reason, it might backfire.

READ ALSO: When a fired employee can sue if fired illegally

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