How to get around Uber background check

Uber is renowned for its stringent background check process. But the burning question, of course, is to get around Uber background check. You will get to know that in seconds but this guide isn’t about cheating the system. Rather, it’s about being prepared and understanding what Uber looks for during these checks.

How Uber’s background check works

Step one to getting around the Uber background check is understanding what Uber is looking for in the first place. The Uber background check looks at various elements, including your driving record, criminal record, and in certain places, even your credit history. But don’t worry, we’ll level up your game-playing skills to beat them to their game.

Driving record

Uber, understandably, doesn’t want drivers who’ve got a history of causing mayhem on the roads. If you’ve got major violations like reckless driving or DUIs within the past 7 years, Uber might give you a thumbs down. If you’ve got too many minor violations (like speeding tickets or minor accidents), that can also be a strike against you.

This might seem pretty grim, but it’s not the end of the world. Some violations fall off your driving record after a certain period, and it varies by jurisdiction. If you’re close to that timeline, it might be worth waiting until they drop off before you apply. You can also take a defensive driving course to remove points from your record in some places. When in doubt, consult your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for advice.

Criminal record

The criminal record is the other big stumbling block. Uber takes safety seriously, and any offenses can make you ineligible. Now, I’m not saying you should start a new life under a new name. But records can sometimes be expunged or sealed.

If you’ve got a record and it’s been several years since your conviction, you might be eligible to get the record expunged or sealed. Depending on the conviction, you request an expungement 10 or 15 years after the guilty conviction or the satisfactory completion of the sentence, including probation, whichever is later.¹ The process varies by jurisdiction and by the nature of the crime, but generally speaking, you’ll need to petition the court, prove you’ve completed your sentence (including any probation), and demonstrate that you’ve stayed out of trouble. A lawyer can help you navigate this process.

Credit history

In certain locations, Uber may also take a peep at your credit history. This isn’t because they want to see how many times you’ve splurged on retail therapy or ordered too much pizza; rather, it’s about assessing your financial reliability.

If you’ve got a past marred by bankruptcies or other serious financial issues, you could end up being rejected. But don’t let this dishearten you – remember, as the saying goes, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Just like with your driving and criminal record, there are strategies to improve your credit score:

  • Paying down debts. Lowering your overall debt can have a positive impact on your credit score. If possible, prioritize paying off debts with the highest interest rates first, like credit card debt.
  • Timely payments. Ensure you’re making all your payments on time. Late payments such as rent can negatively affect your credit score. Consider setting up automatic payments to avoid forgetfulness.
  • Keeping credit utilization low. Try to use only a small portion of your available credit. A good rule of thumb is to keep your credit utilization rate – the ratio of your outstanding credit card balances to your credit card limits – under 30%.
  • Diversify your credit: Having a mix of different types of credit (like credit cards, a car loan, a mortgage, etc.) can also positively influence your credit score, but only if you’re managing all of them well.
  • Don’t apply for unnecessary Ccredit: Each time you apply for a new line of credit, it results in a hard inquiry on your credit report, which can lower your credit score. Only apply for new credit when necessary.
  • Check your credit reports regularly: It’s essential to check your credit reports regularly to ensure there are no errors that might be damaging your credit score. You can get a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, Equifax) once a year through

How to get around Uber background check

Uber’s background check can feel like a maze. However, understanding its ins and outs can help you better prepare. Remember, the intent here is not to cheat the system but to ensure your record is accurate and presented in the best possible light. Do the following to get around Uber background check.

1. Understand what the check looks for

Uber has explained how the driver screening works.² Do note also that Uber reruns driver screenings at least every year and uses technology to detect issues in between.

  • Driving record: Major violations (e.g., reckless driving, DUIs) in the past seven years can disqualify you. Accumulation of minor violations can also work against you.
  • Criminal record.
  • Credit history. In some locations, a history of bankruptcies or serious financial issues can be problematic.

2. Know your state laws

Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding the accessibility of criminal records. Research or consult a legal expert to know what is available to employers in your state to help you get around Uber background check.

3. Review and fix your own records

Obtain your driving record from your local DMV, request your criminal record (usually through your state’s Department of Justice), check your credit report and try to rectify your mistakes.

  • If there are errors on your records, take steps to correct them.
  • For minor, old infractions, work with a legal expert to get these expunged.

4. Improve your records

Take proactive steps such as waiting until points fall off your driving record or taking a defensive driving course. Make sure to work on improving your credit score.

5. Consult a legal expert

If you have a criminal record in a state where certain records aren’t reported, consult a legal expert to understand how this affects your Uber application. A lawyer can help you understand your rights, navigate the process of sealing or expunging records, and generally advocate for your interests. Some cities even have legal aid organizations that offer free or low-cost legal advice on these matters, so it doesn’t necessarily have to break the bank.

6. Be honest

Always provide truthful information in your application. Remember, Uber is known to ban drivers who have been found to have lied on their application.

Look for Other Opportunities

Should you get denied by Uber after all these efforts, don’t despair. There are other rideshare or delivery companies that might have less stringent background check requirements. Plus, Uber is not the be-all and end-all. There’s a wide world of work opportunities out there, and being turned down by one company does not mean you’re unemployable.

Final thoughts

Getting around Uber background check is about being proactive, doing your research, and taking steps to clean up your records. It’s also about having a Plan B, whether that’s looking for other employment opportunities or getting legal advice. Most importantly, remember that everyone has a past, but it’s how we move forward that truly defines us. This is not about cheating the system or faking a clean record, instead, it’s about being aware of what Uber checks, managing those elements, and possibly waiting for the right time to apply. Be patient, diligent, and above all, honest. You’re not the first to face this hurdle, and a little bit of planning can go a long way.

Read also: tips to rent with an eviction record


  1. Expungement and Changing Your Criminal Record. The People’s Library Law of Maryland
  2. Driver screening. Uber
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