TikTok is a popular app with over 1.677 billion users globally, out of which 1.1 billion are its monthly active users (as of 2023). It is easy to use and lets you watch short videos, make your own, see your stats, and talk to others. But there’s something a bit tricky about it. If someone has a private account on TikTok, it is not as simple to see who is following them compared to a public account. However, this post explains how to see hidden following list on TikTok.
Yes, we cracked the code – in fact, it is not even a code. So, this article will tell you all you need to know about looking at someone’s TikTok followers. We will also talk about checking how many followers someone has right now. Just keep reading to find out more.
How to See Hidden Following List on TikTok Private Account
On TikTok, people can choose if they want their account to be public or private. It is harder to look at who follows a private account because only people who are approved can watch videos, and live streams, and see followers. But there are ways to do it. You can follow the account, make a new account, or ask friends for help. These methods will help you see hidden following list on TikTok for a private account.
1. Start Following the TikTok Account
When you click Follow on their private account, the user gets a message. They will check your request and decide if you can see their stuff. If they accept, you can click the Followers section at the top of their profile to see their followers list.
2. Make a New Account
If you think the account owner might not accept your Follow request, you can make a new profile. They won’t know it’s you, so they might be more likely to agree. Just make sure the account you create to follow them does not contain your original information that they might use to know it’s you.
But keep in mind that this might not work if the user wants their account to be private. They probably only let close friends in. But it could work if they want more followers for their account. This method also works if you want to view TikTok followers without your account.
3. Get Help from a Friend
Check with your friends to see if they are following the private profile. They can open the profile in their TikTok app and let you see the list of followers.
How to See Hidden Following List on TikTok Public Account
If you want to know who follows a TikTok user whose account is public, it is pretty easy.
When an account is public, TikTok allows everyone on TikTok to see the person’s videos and information. So, you can easily check how many followers they have on your phone.
Here’s what you need to do if you want to see who follows a public TikTok account on an Android phone:
- Open the TikTok app.
- Tap the Search icon in the top-right corner.
- Look for the profile you want to check by typing their name in the search box at the top.
- Tap the Followers section under the account username.
Now you will be able to see all the TikTok accounts that follow this user. If they are famous, it might take a little while to look through the list.
TikTok stars often have lots of followers, and checking them all can take time. But for smaller accounts and people who are not as famous, it’s easier. Just scroll down the “followers” list to learn more about the people who like their videos.
You can also use your iPhone to find this information by following these steps:
- Open TikTok app.
- Click the Search icon.
- Type the right username in the search box at the top of the app.
- Go to the “Followers” part below the username.
If you are looking at a not-so-famous TikTok friend’s account, you can check who follows them in less than two minutes. But if they are really popular, like big TikTok stars, it might take a bit longer to look at all their followers.
How to See Follower Count on TikTok Real TIme
If you are just starting on TikTok and want to know how well your favorite creator is doing, you can check their follower count. It shows you how quickly their followers are increasing, and you can compare it with your own numbers.
This helps you improve your online approach and find ways to reach more people. TokCount is a helpful tool to keep an eye on someone’s follower count as it happens. Here’s how to use it:
- Open up TokCount using your web browser.
- Go to the top-right corner of the screen and tap on the Change button. This will make a new page appear.
- Enter the right TikTok username.
- The page will show a list of TikTok profiles that match the username you entered. Look through the results and pick the right account.
- Wait for the website to find the information for the chosen account. After a moment, the page will show how many followers that user has.
This information can show you how well others are doing on TikTok. Or maybe you’re looking for a TikToker with lots of followers to help your business or products.
Conclusion on See Hidden Following List on TikTok
All in all, going through TikTok to find out who follows who can be a bit tricky, especially if the account you are interested in is private. But as I have just laid out, there are a few tricks to get around this. You can choose to follow the account, create a new one, or ask a friend to help you see hidden following list on TikTok.
Public accounts are easier; just go to the “Followers” section, and you’re all set. I also touched on how you can keep track of follower counts in real-time. This can be a fun way to see how you or your favorite creators are doing. All you need is a tool like TokCount, and you are good to go.
Read also: How to See Who Liked You on Tinder Without Paying [New Method]