Do Fake IDs Scan?

Do fake IDs scan? Sometimes, fake IDs scan, and the holder gets away with buying liquor or any other age-determined services. These days, there are lots of fake IDs around, and the makers are getting really good at making them. Many of these fake IDs are even sold with promises that they’ll scan.

So, how do fake IDs scan and look real? It’s mostly because the scanners used often just look at whether the barcode looks right, not whether the information is actually true. If the fake ID’s barcode is done correctly, and the age looks okay, the scanner will accept it as if it’s a real ID.

Usually, the scanners aren’t checking the information against official records. So, a fake ID could have a made-up name and details, but as long as the barcode is fine, it’ll pass the scan.

But, technology is catching up. There are new scanners that use artificial intelligence and are much better at detecting fakes. They consider the spacing, fonts, and even special marks such as holograms on the ID to find any signs that it’s not real. Not many bars or liquor stores use these yet, but they’re out there.

Do Fake IDs Scan?

Do Fake IDs Scan

Yes, some fake IDs scan. Such fake IDs might trick a bar’s bouncer, but banks, phone companies, and lots of other businesses use advanced systems that are pretty good at spotting them. Moreover, many institutions and even some private businesses have scanners that check your ID against government databases, so if your ID doesn’t match up, it will be declined.

Even the barcode on your ID needs to be spot-on. If it’s not, someone with just a smartphone and a state or federally-backed app can figure out it’s a fake.

ID Scanners Do Have Difficulties Detecting Every Fake ID

Online ID scanners are pretty common and work by reading the information hidden in the barcode or magnetic strip on the back of a driver’s license or other official IDs. The main job is to quickly check if the data on the ID is correct and follows the right structure.

So, if the barcode on an ID is set up the right way, and it shows that the person is old enough, the scanner will usually accept it.

You might wonder how this can happen. ID barcodes are not entirely built to be super secure. They primarily make it easier and quicker to collect ID information, including when you are going through airport security or buying a product that requires age verification.

Some fake ID makers have the tools and instructions needed to make barcodes look real. This means they can create fake IDs that will often scan. But if the fake ID is not encoded, a scanner can still detect it.

ID Features for Identifying Fakes

Do Fake IDs Scan

Many states create fake IDs with special security features to stop fake IDs from scanning. Below are the features often included:


While fake IDs scan, holograms often expose a fake ID. A lot of IDs have special images on the card that change when you look at them from different angles. These are pretty complicated to copy, so it’s not easy for fake holograms on IDs to look real.


This is when there are super small words or numbers on the ID that you need really good machines to copy.

Complex Designs

Many IDs are made with designs that have multiple layers and colors, which are really hard to fake.

RFID Chips

The RFID chips are little bits put into some IDs that hold information a scanner reads. If a fake ID does not have a chip that works, it won’t scan.

UV Features

Some IDs have parts that you can only see when you put them under a special light. If a fake ID doesn’t get this right, it is a fake.

Ghost Images

There are also IDs with a faint version of the holder’s picture, which is another tricky feature to fake on an ID.

Tactile Features

Some IDs have parts that are raised like some text or images that you can feel when you touch them. If a fake ID doesn’t have this, it’s often a sign it’s not genuine.

What Comes Up When You Scan a Fake ID?

They collect basic but important information from the card. That’s why places like bars or shops that sell age-restricted items should not just rely on ID scanners. They should also ask questions and look at the ID closely to make sure it’s legit.

When a fake ID is scanned, it usually shows ID information such as:

  1. Holder’s full name.
  2. Date of birth
  3. ID expiration date
  4. Issue date of the ID
  5. A unique ID number
  6. The gender of the ID holder
  7. Address
  8. Sometimes the scanner can get the picture from the ID too for an additional check

The exact information an ID scanner obtains can be different based on the type of scanner and the local laws about privacy and what data you are allowed to collect.

ID Scanners Are Still Important

Even with the risk of some fake IDs passing the scanner, it’s still advisable to get one for the following reasons.

  1. ID scanners can detect some (if not all) fake IDs.
  2. They’re quick and easy, which is a positive for busy places such as bars and clubs where you need to scan ID before admitting people.
  3. The top-notch scanners are really good at spotting even the smallest ID features that are off, including tiny changes in the design or text.

So, do fake IDs scan? Sometimes, the fake IDs scan. However, there are also advanced scanners that can tell real from fake IDs. You can always step up your game in making sure that fake IDs don’t scan by getting advanced identity verification software for your business.

Read alsoFake ID for OnlyFans

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